10 x 1 hr Outdoor Fitness / Nordic Classes


Save up to 20%! Buy a block of 10 discounted FSF outdoor classes.

* credit valid 3 months from purchase date

* unused class credits expire on the 3 month membership end date

* use all 10 class credits before the 3 month membership period ends and get a FREE CLASS (reducing the overall class rate to £16 p/class)

* attend as many classes per week as you want/need to, to use your credit and earn your FREE class reward

* Credit can be used at bank holiday classes and any other pop up classes offered from time to time.

* Upon earning your FREE class OR the 3 months membership expiring (whichever is the earlier date) you can buy 10 or 20 more discounted class credits and start a new 3 month membership period.

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14 years experience of delivering training services that inspire, entertain and deliver you results
